Make your own Amazon Audible with few lines of python code


Audible using python :

Introduction :

As we know that amazon audible is a service provided by Amazon which enables us to hear certain stories of our choice which indeed is a good experience reminds me of my grandmother telling me stories but the twist is it's not free, yes heard right this service is not free from Amazon's end.

As you are in CWM you will get everything free and every possible hack. So today we are here with another hack, we will be making our own audible software that will narrate each and everything to us.

To make this we first need to have python installed on your PC.
Open your Favorite code editor and start typing the following code or if you are lazy like me copy and paste the code below.

Steps to make audible ;

1. import pyttsx3 module, if it is not installed install it by using pip function 
2. write the following algorithm.
import pyttsx3
speaker = pyttsx3.init()
speaker.say('Your Text')

Run the following program,a computerized voice will come. which ever you want to hear just copy and paste in the place of your text.

3. If you want to save this computerized voice in mp3 format for later use or for any creative use just follow the following code

from gtts import gTTS
import os
gtts = gTTS(text='Your Text', lang=('en-in')" YOuurt.mp3" 

The sound file in mp3 format would be save on  your device

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