Create Bar graphs using python :Advance application of TURTLE module.



Hello coders, In this blog, we will discuss the advanced application of the TURTLE module for those who don't know about the module check the old post in which we discussed the basic application. So let's get started, We will be using the TURTLE module to make a bar graph animation which can be very useful if you work in a corporate, This could be a very attractive way to present your data and analysis.

for this, you need some mathematical skills to set the scale of your graph you will get it all just by carefully seeing the code . You can also use colour to make it more representable.

I will be giving all the examples and all the dimensions.

So I would request to analyse the code carefully.

If you have any problems while coding feel free to comment down your query below. Keep coding 


import turtle
# Function that draws the turtle
def drawBar(theightcolor):
     # Get turtle t to draw one bar
    # of height
     # Start filling this shape
     # stop filling the shape
# Driver Code
xs = [481172009613426099]
clrs = ["green""red""purple""black",
maxheight = max(xs)
numbars = len(xs)
border = 10
 # Set up the window and its
# attributes
wn = turtle.Screen()             
wn.setworldcoordinates(0 - border0 - border
                       40 * numbars + border,
                       maxheight + border)
 # Create tess and set some attributes
tess = turtle.Turtle()           
for i in range(len(xs)):
     drawBar (tessxs[i],

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